This blog article covers the following topics:
Booleans: True and False
Boolean operators in C++
Arithmetic operators in C++
Equality operators in C++
Assignment operators in C++
Before talking about operators, we'll take a quick aside into booleans, since we'll need to know what a boolean is before discussing operators. A boolean value is one that can be either true or false. No other values are allowed. Booleans and boolean operations are at the heart of programming. Many times in a program, you'll want to do one thing if a certain condition is true, and a different thing if the condition is false. For example, when processing a series of checkboxes, you may want to take an action only if a box is checked, and do nothing otherwise. That's when you'll want to use a boolean.
Most programming languages have a type for booleans, usually called "boolean" or "bool". Some C++ compilers recognize the type bool, others do not. For now, assume that your compiler supports the bool type. We'll discuss what to do if your compiler doesn't, in a moment.
In order to use boolean logic to your advantage, you need to learn about the three basic boolean operations. They are called and, or, and not. Each operation takes either one or two boolean inputs, and returns a boolean output. They are often represented by symbols known as "gates", shown below.
and | The "and" operation takes two inputs and produces one output. If both inputs are true, the output is true; in all other cases, the output is false. It can be interpreted as follows: "I will return true if input 1 and input 2 are true." |
or | The "or" operation takes two inputs and produces one output. If either of the inputs are true, the output is true; otherwise (i.e., if neither input is true), the output is false. It can be interpreted as follows: "I will return true if either input 1 or input 2 is true." |
not | The "not" operation takes one input and produces one output. If the input is true, the output is false. If the input is false, the output is true. In other words, the "not" operation takes the input and returns its opposite. |
Boolean operators in C++
There are operators in C++ which behave just as the boolean gates shown above! We'll show you an example of how to use each one.
and: &&
The "and" operator is used by placing the "and" symbol, &&, in between two boolean values.
//suppose that Fran is tired
bool franIsTired = true;
//but Fran doesn't have to wake up early
bool franMustWakeUpEarly = false;
//will Fran go to sleep now?
bool bedTime = franIsTired && franMustWakeUpEarly;
What does this chunk of code do? It initializes two variables, franIsTired and franMustWakeUpEarly, to true and false, respectively. Then, in the third line of code (not including comments!), we determine that Fran will go to sleep if and only if the "and" operation is true -- that is, if both inputs to the "and" operation are true. In this case, the first input is true and the second input is false. Since "and" requires both inputs to be true in order for the output to be true, but one of the inputs is false, the output will be false. So, the variable bedTime will store the value false.
Also, take note that the variable names used here are lengthy. How you decide to program is up to you, but often times it's better to have lengthier variable names that are readable, rather than short, obfuscated variable names like "i" or "zz". (The names in this example may have gone overboard, though.)
or: ||
The "or" operator is used by placing the "or" symbol, ||, in between two boolean values.
//suppose that Graham is tired
bool grahamIsTired = true;
//but Graham doesn't have to wake up early
bool grahamMustWakeUpEarly = false;
//will Graham go to sleep now?
bool bedTime = grahamIsTired || grahamMustWakeUpEarly;
This example is very similar to the example involving Fran, except notice the key difference: whether or not Graham goes to sleep is determined differently. Graham will go to sleep if he is tired or if he needs to wake up early. Whereas Fran would go to sleep only if both conditions were true, Graham will go to sleep if either condition (or both) is true. Therefore, the value of bedTime is true.
not: !
The "not" operator is used by placing the "not" symbol, !, before a boolean value.
//suppose that Julian stayed up late
bool julianStayedUpLate = true;
//will Julian be peppy tomorrow?
bool julianIsPeppy = !julianStayedUpLate;
This example illustrates the "not" operator. At the end of this block of code, the variable julianIsPeppy will take on the opposite value of julianStayedUpLate. If julianStayedUpLate were false, then julianIsPeppy would be true. In this case, the opposite is true, so julianIsPeppy gets a value of false.
It is perfectly legal in C++ to use boolean operators on variables which are not booleans. In C++, "0" is false and any non-zero value is true. Let's look at a contrived example.
int hours = 4;
int minutes = 21;
int seconds = 0;
bool timeIsTrue = hours && minutes && seconds;
Since hours evaluates to true, and since minutes evaluates to true, and since seconds evaluates to false, the entire expression hours && minutes && seconds evaluates to false.
Arithmetic operators in C++
In addition to the boolean operators, C++ has a number of arithmetic operators. Here they are:
Arithmetic operators | ||
name | symbol | sample usage |
addition | + | int sum = 4 + 7 |
subtraction | - | float difference = 18.55 - 14.21 |
multiplication | * | float product = 5 * 3.5 |
division | / | int quotient = 14 / 3 |
modulo ("mod") | % | int remainder = 10 % 6 |
They all probably look familiar with the exception of mod (%). The mod is simply the remainder produced by dividing two integers. In the example shown in the table above, if we treat 10 / 6 as an integer divison, the quotient is 1 (rather than 1.666) and the remainder is 4. Hence, the variable remainder will get the value 4.
Equality operators in C++
You are undoubtedly familiar with equality operators, even if you don't know it. An equality operator is one that tests a condition such as "is less than", "is greater than", and "is equal to". You will find it useful to be able to compare two numbers using expressions like "x is less than y".
Let's say you are writing software for a bank ATM (automated teller machine). A customer makes a request for a certain amount of cash, and your responsibility is to determine if they should be allowed to withdraw that amount. You could decide to use the following algorithm: "if the amount requested is less than the account balance, that amount should be withdrawn; otherwise, the customer should be notified and no money should be withdrawn." Makes sense, right? So, the next step is coming up with some pseudo-code. Once you have pseudo-code, writing the C++ code will be easy.
Pseudo-code for the ATM problem might look like this:
if the amount requested < account balance then
withdraw the amount requested
withdraw nothing and notify the customer
Now that we have pseudo-code, writing the C++ code is as simple as "translating" your pseudo-code into C++. In this case, it's easy:
if (amountRequested < accountBalance) {
else {
You'll notice some new syntax in this example, but don't worry about it too much. Pay close attention to the very first line, which checks to make sure that the amount requested is less than the account balance. The way it works is, if the expression between parentheses (()) evaluates to true, then the first block of code will be read. That is, the code inside the first set of curly braces ({}) will be executed. If the expression in parentheses evaluates to false, on the other hand, then the second block of code (the code following the word else) will be read. In this case, the first block of code withdraws the amount requested by the customer, while the second block of code withdraws nothing, and notifies the customer.
That wasn't so hard! All we did was take the original English description of how we would solve the problem, write some pseudo-code for the English description, and translate the pseudo-code into C++.
Once you know how to use one equality operator, you know how to use all of them. They all work the same way: they take the expressions on either side of them, and either return true or false. Here they are:
Equality operators | |||
name | symbol | sample usage | result |
is less than | < | bool result = (4 < 7) | true |
is greater than | > | bool result = (3.1 > 3.1) | false |
is equal to | == | bool result = (11 == 8) | false |
is less than or equal to | <= | bool result = (41.1 <= 42) | true |
is greater than or equal to | >= | bool result = (41.1 >= 42) | false |
is not equal to | != | bool result = (12 != 12) | false |
Assignment operators in C++
Believe it or not, you've already been using assignment operators! Probably the most common assignment operator is the equals sign (=). It is called "assignment" because you are "assigning" a variable to a value. This operator takes the expression on its right-hand-side and places it into the variable on its left-hand-side. So, when you write x = 5, the operator takes the expression on the right, 5, and stores it in the variable on the left, x.
Remember how the equality operators, like < and !=, returned a value that indicated the result? In that case, the return value was either true or false. In fact, almost every expression in C++ returns something! You don't always have to use the return value, though -- it's completely up to you. In the case of the assignment operators, the return value is simply the value that it stored in the variable on the left-hand-side.
Sometimes your code will use the return value to do something useful. In the ATM example, one line of code was executed if the condition was true (that is, if the equality operator returned true). Two different lines were executed if the condition was false.
Other times, you'll completely ignore the return value, because you're not interested in it. Take a look at the following code:
int x;
int y;
x = 5;
y = 9;
cout << "The value of x is " << x << endl;
cout << "The value of y is " << y << endl;
int sum;
sum = x + y;
cout << "The sum of x and y is " << sum << endl;
This chunk of code shows why you might want to throw away the return value of an operator. Look at the third line, x = 5. We're using the assignment operator here to place the value 5 in the variable x. Since the expression x = 5 returns a value, and we're not using it, then you could say we are ignoring the return value. However, note that a few of lines down, we are very interested in the return value of an operator. The addition operator in the expression x + y returns the sum of its left-hand-side and right-hand-side. That's how we are able to assign a value to sum. You can think of it as sum = (x + y), since that's what it's really doing. Operator precedence is covered on the next page.
The other assignment operators are all based on the equals sign, so make sure you understand that before going on. Here's another assignment operator: +=. How does it work? You might guess that it has something to do with addition, and something to do with assignment. You'd be absolutely right! The += operator takes the variable on its left-hand-side and adds the expression on its right-hand-side. Whenever you see a statement that looks like the following:
myVar += something;
it is identical to saying the following:
myVar = myVar + something;
That's exactly what it's doing! It's simply a shortcut.
The other common assignment operators are -=, *=, /=, and %=. They all function just like the += operator, except instead of adding the value on the right-hand-side, they subtract, or multiply, or divide, or "mod" it.
Just as the simple assignment operator = returns the value that it stored, all of the assignment operators return the value stored in the variable on the left-hand-side. Here's an example of how you might take advantage of this return value. It's not used terribly often, but it can sometimes be useful.
//these four variables represent the sides of a rectangle
int left;
int top;
int right;
int bottom;
//make it a square whose sides are 4
left = top = right = bottom = 4;
All this code does is store the value in each of the four variables left, top, right, and bottom. How does it work? It starts on the far right-hand side. It sees bottom = 4. So it places the value 4 in the variable bottom, and returns the value it stored in bottom (which is 4). Since bottom = 4 evaluates to 4, the variable right will also get the value 4, which means top will also get 4, which means left will also get 4. Phew! Of course, this code could have just as easily been written
//these four variables represent the sides of a rectangle
int left;
int top;
int right;
int bottom;
//make it a square whose sides are 4
left = 4;
top = 4;
right = 4;
bottom = 4;
and it would have done the exact same thing. The first way is more compact, and you're more likely to see it written the first way. But both ways are equally correct, so use whichever you prefer.
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